A Partial Glossary of Spaceflight Terms
Term | Definition |
T- or T+ | Countdown time to Launch (-) or Elapsed time after launch (+), sometimes expressed as T-minus or T-plus. |
Hold | A scheduled or unscheduled pause in the countdowns’ T- time. |
L- | Time until launch, not subject to holds. This is a planned time, not a committed time like T-minus (T-) is. Sometimes stated as “L-minus” |
NET | No earlier than, often used in conjunction with the date of a scheduled launch. “NET April 2025” is pretty self-explanatory if you unpack the acronym. |
Scrub | When a countdown is aborted before T-0 and no further attempts to launch will happen in this launch attempt. Weather, technical issues, even intrusion to the safety areas in the flight path of a rocket can cause a scrub. |
Delay | Unlike a scrub, this term is used when a planned launch date is moved before the launch attempt has been started. (It can take hours to prepare a rocket for launch.) |
Range | A “range” is a designated area where rockets are launched and tracked, essentially a large, monitored space encompassing the flight path of a rocket during launch, including the launch site itself. The “Eastern Range” in Florida encompasses both Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, two adjoining but separate areas. |
KSC | Kennedy Space Center, in Florida. Located just north of CCSFS |
CCSFS | Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, a military reservation that is adjacent to KSC. Many launch pads and work facilities are located here. |
VSFB | The Vandenberg Space Force Base, located in Santa Barbara County, California. Home of the Western Range. |
MECO | Main Engine Cutoff |
SECO | Secondary Engine Cutoff |
Staging | Orbital rockets usually have at least two stage: self-contained rocket units that are used and then separated from the main vehicle. Generally referred to as “Stage 1,” or “First Stage,” “Second Stage,” “Stage 2, etc.” |
Max Q | Period during ascent phase of maximum aerodynamic pressure on the rocket |
GEO | Geostationary Orbit. A satellite in GEO always maintains its position relative to a fixed point on the earth’s surface. |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit – Orbital altitudes less than 1200 miles high |
Bird | Slang for a space vehicle or rocket |
LOX | Liquid Oxygen – a type of rocket fuel |
RP-1 | Kerosene-based rocket fuel. It’s often reddish and nearly transparent in appearance. Is stable at room temperature. |
Kerolox | Liquid Oxygen and Kerosene-based rocket propellant combination. Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, Atlas V, and Saturn V are examples of a Kerolox rocket. |
Methalox | Rocket fuel based on a combination of methane and liquid oxygen. Starship, New Glenn and Vulcan are Methalox-powered rockets. |
Hydrolox | Hydrolox rocket fuel combines liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The SLS Core Stage is a Hydrolox stage. |
Hypergolic, or Hypergol | Hypergolics are rocket propellant combinations used in a rocket engine, whose components spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. |
Solid Rocket Engines | A solid fuel rocket motor – cannot be started and stopped like liquid fuel based engines |
LES | Launch Escape System. A system to rapidly remove a crewed capsule from a failing rocket. It’s a system of last resort when something has gone very wrong and the rocket is creating a lethal danger to astronauts aboard it. |
SRB | See Solid Rocket Engines. |
RUD | Rapidly Unscheduled Disassembly, or Rapidly Unplanned Disassembly. A euphemism for “exploded.” See: Where Does The Term RUD Come From? |
OMS | Orbital Maneuvering System – small thrusters used to make fine adjustments to a spacecraft’s position or orientation in space. |
POV | Probability Of Violation (of weather). The 45th Weather Squadron of Space Launch Delta 45 issues forecasts for each launch on the Eastern Range and lists the POV for the launch period. |
EVA | Launch Escape System – rocket motor that propels crew module to safety in case of a launch phase malfunction. |
Civil Twilight | Civil twilight is the period of time just after sunset or before sunrise enough natural light for most outdoor activities without requiring artificial illumination; essentially, the time when the sky is still fairly bright enough to see the horizon clearly and distinguish objects on the ground, even though the sun is below the horizon. For technical definition, please follow this link to the U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications website. |
Nautical Twilight | Nautical twilight is the period of time when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon and the horizon is still visible. Some stars and planets are visible in nautical twilight. Nautical Twlight is between Civil and Astronomical Twilight. For technical definition, please follow this link to the U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications website. |
Astronomical Twilight | Astronomical twilight is the period of time when the sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon, resulting in a very faint sky illumination where most casual observers would consider it fully dark, allowing for the observation of stars and planets with the naked eye in areas with minimal light pollution; it is the darkest stage of twilight, occurring after sunset or before sunrise. For technical definition, please follow this link to the U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications website. |
Jellyfish | A space jellyfish is a glowing, jellyfish-shaped light that appears in the sky after a rocket launch. It’s caused by sunlight reflecting off the rocket’s exhaust plume at high altitudes. The effect is caused by rocket launches during twilight hours, when the ground is dark but the exhaust plume is still in sunlight. |
T-0 or T-minus, T plus
The “T” is time and the dash is a minus. It’s the planned time for a liftoff on the countdown clock. It is usually listed in days, hours, minutes and seconds in a clock format. The clock runs backwards to zero, and at zero, the rocket is scheduled to fire up and fly off of the pad. When you hear an announcer giving the famous “10, 9, 8, 7” call, they are actually counting the last few seconds of t-minus.If there is a stoppage (see: hold) the clock stops.
At liftoff, the clock transitions to a “T plus” format, commonly seens a T+. T+ is used to track mission elapsed time all the way to the mission’s end. “T times” are pretty obvious, but there is a similar term, L-0 that isn’t exactly the same.

Photo: NASA
L-0 or L-minus
The “L” is launch and like t-minus, it is said as L-minus. When we reach L-0, the rocket is scheduled to launch. This one is almost the same as T-0, and it also counts to zero in the form of days, hours, minutes and seconds. Unlike T-0, the clock continues to count down even during holds. Many launches have planned holds in the countdown — Saturn V launches did, Space Shuttle launches did and the recent ULA Vulcan launch did. The T-minus clock stops, the L-minus clock continues.
No Earlier Than — this is often used on launch schedules, and is meant to say that a given mission will not launch until a certain date and time.
When a launch countdown is halted and that particular launch attempt is canceled, it is “scrubbed.”
Main engine cutoff. This usually refers to when the first stage’s (the booster’s) engines turn off, meaning the first stage has completed its powered part of the flight.
Second (stage) cutoff. This usually refers to when the second stage of a rocket has completed its work and has been turned off. There are often two or three second-stage burns in an orbital flight, so there will be multiple SECO’s. For example, a typical SpaceX Starlink mission has one SECO when the second stage has reached orbital velocity and a second burn to change the orbit to its intended altitude. That in mind, Starlink missions usually have two SECOs.
This is a critical point in a launch. Max-Q is the point at which the rocket’s structure undergoes maximum mechanical stress. On one end, you have the rocket’s engines pushing it upwards through the atmosphere, and on the nose of the rocket, the air in the atmosphere is pushing back. This puts the vehicle under a lot of stress, and Max-Q is the point where those forces are the highest. As the rocket climbs past Max-Q, the air is thinner, so there is less stress on the rocket.

Think of it this way: if you are riding in a car on the highway and you open the window and stick your hand out in the rushing air, the air tries to push your hand backwards. To counter that, you have to push your hand forward to keep it in the same place. The same principle applies in spaceflight, except instead of staying the same place the rocket is accelerating. That resistance to that acceleration reaches a maximum point, or Max-Q.
Rapid Unplanned Disassembly. We never want to see that — it’s a nice way of saying that the rocket failed, or exploded. A good example of a RUD is SpaceX’s Starship Heavy’s second flight, where the company lost communications with the second stage and as a result the rocket automatically self-destructed, meaning it blew itself up so as not to endanger the public. That was a RUD.
GEO or Geostationary Orbit

When a satellite is placed in orbit, it circles the planet. At the same time, the Earth is spinning on its axis, which gives is day and night. If a satellite is placed high enough over the Earth, its orbit and the speed of the Earth turn more or less match, and the satellite never seems to move over a position on the ground.
Those orbits are roughly 22,236 miles high (35,785 km) and are handy for communications and observation satellites. Since the satellite is close to “stationary,” as seen from the ground, an antenna can be aimed once and left in that position to maintain communications. If you’ve ever seen a DirecTV or Dish satellite dish on the side of someone’s house, that’s what’s happening: the dish was aimed at a geostationary satellite and doesn’t need to be re-aimed to maintain TV service for that home.
LEO or Low Earth Orbit
They are orbits with an altitude of 2,000 km (1,200 mi) or less, and this is the region where most satellites and the International Space Station are located. Unlike a geostationary orbit, the satellite or ISS will appear to move across the horizon from the ground.
By definition, a satellite will complete a LEO orbit in 128 minutes or less.
In space terms, a bird is a space vehicle or rocket. This one is not used as much as it was in the 1960s, but you might hear it occasionally.
Liquid oxygen. LOX is mixed with some kind of fuel, for example, RP-1, a highly refined form of kerosene and the result is fire. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 uses RP-1 and LOX has its propellants.
RP-1 is a highly refined form of kerosene outwardly similar to jet fuel (sometimes called JP-1), used as rocket fuel. One of the major differences between RP-1 and jet fuel is that RP-1 is refined to remove sulfurs even more than jet fuel. This is done because sulfurs don’t burn completely and create a waxy residue that decreases engine efficiency. That residue is often called “coke,” and that coke is definitely not the refreshing soda that you know.
Kerolox is the combination of RP-1 (a kerosene) and LOX, and is usually used to describe the propellant combination a given engine uses. SpaceX Falcon 9’s Merlin engines are kerolox engines because they use RP-1 and LOX as propellants.
An interesting thing about Kerolox engines is that their flame plume is usually a yellowish-red combination. Saturn V’s first stage engines (the F-1 engine) were the kerolox type, giving a bright yellow flame. Same thing with Falcon 9.


Methalox is the combination of methane and LOX and is usually used to describe the propellant combination a given engine uses. Blue Origin’s BE-4 engines are methalox-based, as is SpaceX’s Raptor engines that they are using on their new Starship rocket.
Methane is also known as natural gas, though it is highly refined for spaceflight. Like a gas stove or a gas grill, the flame from a methalox engine is blue.
Hydrolox combines liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, another set of propellants used to power rocket engines. The Space Shuttle and SLS main engines are hydrolox.
Hydrolox engines have nearly a clear flame, with some blue-ish tint.
Hydrolox is the most powerful propellant combination we currently use, but it can be problematic because the hydrogen molecule is the smallest molecule in normal chemistry. That being said, liquid hydrogen creates hydrogen gas, and that tiny molecule can and does find even the smallest of space to leak out of, creating a hazard for the rocket on the launch pad or in flight. You might recall SLS having those issues during its first few launch attempts. Because of that problem, many engine and rocket designers will use kerolox of methalox engine designs — they are easier to seal fully.
Hydrolox engines are also the “cleanest” engines in use. They combine hydrogen and oxygen and as such, the byproduct of their combustion is water in the form of steam.
Hypergolic, or Hypergol
Hypergolics are rocket propellant combinations used in a rocket engine, whose components spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. Other propellant combinations like kerolox and methalox require an external ignition source to start the engines, while hypergolic ones do not.
The most common hypergolic fuels, hydrazine, monomethylhydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, and oxidizer, nitrogen tetroxide, are all liquid at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Those chemicals are all highly toxic, many are carcinogenic, and all of them are highly unstable and, therefore, extremely dangerous. They are just waiting for a chance to start reacting, and as a result they can be highly explosive.
The reason that hypergolic propellants like hydrazine have been used in spaceflight since their inception is that they are extremely reliable because they are eager to react with each other and also because they don’t require highly specialized insulation to keep them from turning into a gas and escaping. That makes them perfect for control thrusters on a space capsule or for the re-entry engines, for example. Another use for hypergolics is for launch escape motors — an emergency where the capsule needs to get away from a failing rocket is one where instant escape thrust is vital, and that’s something that hypergolic motors excel at.
SpaceX uses hypergolic fuel combinations in its SuperDraco engines on the Crew Dragon space capsule for launch-escape capabilities. They also use the smaller hypergolic-based Draco engines for Dragon and Crew Dragon maneuvering thrusters. The reliability and instant response of those propellants is perfect for orienting the capsule in space.
Solid Rocket Engines
Most rocket boosters are liquid-based, that is, they use kerolox, methalox or hydrolox combinations to power the engines. Notably, Titan II, which powered the Gemini program in the 1960, was hypergolic based, but it too was a liquid-fueled rocket. Another class of engines use an entirely different set of propellants that can be combined with a polymer and then solidified into the shape that the rocket designers prefer.
A simplified solid rocket motor consists of a casing, nozzle, grain (propellant charge), and igniter. This is basically the design of a model-rocket booster, such as an Estes rocket that many people played with as kids. A more sophisticated solid rocket motor was the Space Shuttle’s SRB (solid rocket boosters) — the two side boosters on either side of the orange tank on the shuttle.
Solid rocket boosters provide a lot of power, but once ignited, they cannot be turned off or as easily throttled as a liquid-fueled Merlin engine on a Falcon 9. Strictly speaking, modern advanced solid boosters can be throttled to some degree and even extinguished, but those are relatively recent developments and are uncommon in most mainline production rockets.
They are mainly used as secondary “strap-on” boosters to give the rocket a big push off of the launch pad. You’ll see them quite often on ULA’s Atlas V and Vulcan rockets, but SpaceX and Blue Origin do not use them.
LES – Launch Escape System
Crewed launches almost always have an LES or launch escape system that will rapidly ignite and move the capsule (and astronauts) out of harm’s way. An exploding rocket is not where you want to be if you are an astronaut and the LES is what gets you away from it.
POV – Probability of Violation
The US Space Force has dedicated weather teams that forecast launch conditions for their and their clients’ missions. Unlike a typical weather forecast with a 30% chance of rain in the area tomorrow, they forecast the Probability Of Violation of launch weather criteria. That includes surface winds, winds aloft, the chance of lightning in the launch area during the launch window, the chances of thick cloud cover, the chances of the rocket flying through a rainstorm, and so forth.
If the USSF calls for a 10% POV, they think there will be a 90% chance that weather conditions will be acceptable.
EVA – Extra-Vehicular Activity
An EVA is generally considered to be when an astronaut dons a spacesuit and leaves their vehicle or space station to perform some sort of task — a spacewalk, walking on the surface of the moon, performing a repair or something similar. Keep in mind that a spacesuit is a spacecraft in its own right — it has to provide life-support for its occupant while they are doing an EVA.
If you have a space term or acronym that you think we should add here, please drop us a line via our Contact Page.