NASA Set to Announce Lunar Rover Winner(s) Today
prior to loading the LRV up. Equipment later loaded onto the LRV
included the ground controlled television assembly, the lunar communications
relay unit, the hi-gain antenna, the low-gain antenna, aft tool pallet, and
lunar tools and scientific gear.
Photo: NASA
One of the most iconic parts of the Apollo missions were videos and photos of astronauts driving around a lunar rover on the moon’s surface. Used for the final three Apollo missions — Apollo 15, 16, and 17 — the 462-pound rovers were built by Boeing and had a top speed of 6 MPH. They were used for mobility and transporting astronauts and equipment, and were also equipped with a color television camera that showed live views to audiences back on Earth of the astronauts driving on the lunar surface. The cameras also provided remote views of the liftoff of the Lunar Module’s ascent module, and provided the only views of humans lifting off of the surface of the moon as they began their return to Earth.