SpaceX Launches BlueBird, Overcomes Weather for Pre-Dawn Liftoff

Ignition! A SpaceX Falcon9 rocket powered by 9 Merlin rocket engines blasts off from LC-40 at CCSFS. Image by Richard P Gallagher

This morning, SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket carrying the first five BlueBird Block 1 communications satellites for AST SpaceMobile. These satellites will improve cell service in remote areas of the United States. The launch occurred at 4:52 AM EDT from Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

The mission faced challenging weather, with only a 30% chance of favorable conditions due to a stalled front over the region. However, SpaceX took advantage of a brief window of clear skies to proceed with the launch. The Falcon 9’s first stage, booster B1078, returned to Earth about 8.5 minutes after liftoff, successfully making its 13th landing at Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral, producing a spectacular sonic boom as it touched down.

The five BlueBird satellites, each equipped with a massive 693-square-foot antenna, will provide space-based broadband connectivity directly to smartphones, bypassing the need for ground-based infrastructure. This is a critical milestone in AST SpaceMobile’s vision to bridge the digital divide by offering cellular service in remote areas globally. The satellites were deployed into low-Earth orbit approximately 54 minutes after liftoff, initiating the start of their mission​.

SpaceX’s continues to demonstrate its ability to rapidly reuse components and achieve cost-efficient space travel.


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