Bad news for purple fans in Orlando Saturday evening as Orlando City dropped another home game to Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC) 3-1. Although going to the games is always fun, watching your team lose isn’t.

The Lions came on strong in the beginning of the match and it was evident that Orlando was, without a doubt, the stronger team, but once again that strength didn’t convert to goals and the Lions’ fans (and players) had a frustrating evening of watching miss after miss – 19 to be exact.
However, the fans did get to see a couple of firsts! Torres’ missed penalty kick was his first ever in his entire soccer career; and Ojeda’s goal was his first of the season!

After the match OC Head Coach Oscar Pareja made a brief statement: “…no more words at this time to recognize that we were superior, that we put that energy and outplayed them, but that’s not enough, obviously. And in this industry, we need to win games, and you win games scoring goals; and that’s not happening. We feel for our fans…”

The frustration is palatable; both for the fans and the Orlando City team. It’s like playing in quicksand: They know they’re stuck and continue to struggle; yet, in quicksand, the more you struggle the faster you sink. I am confident though – sometime soon – someone will come in and throw them that saving rope that will pull the Lions out of this lull.

Be sure to click the following links to OC’s YouTube channel to watch a recap of the highlights and Coach Pareja’s post-game comments.
Be sure to head out to a game as well! As I mentioned before – win or lose – they are always fun! For information on tickets, head to orlandocitysc.com/tickets.