A lightning strike from a severe thunderstorm started a conflagration in Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge this afternoon. It is north of Kennedy Space Center, and is currently no threat to property or human endeavor — in other words, the facilities at Kennedy Space Center.
Merritt Island National Wildlife Released this statement on social media at roughly 11PM Saturday: “A lightning caused fire is currently burning in the Peacocks Pocket impoundment. The fire is estimated to be 150-200 acres. Fish & Wildlife firefighters are onsite and will monitor the blaze throughout the night. Expect all access roads to Peacocks Pocket to be closed tomorrow until fire crews determine they are safe, including: West Gator Creek, Gator Creek East Gator Creek, and Catfish Creek roads.”

MINWR UPDATE 1030 AM Sunday 5/26/04

11 PM EDT, Saturday: KSC Closes Beach Road
Around 11 PM EDT, KSC Police were emptying MINWR and were stopping people at the end of Max Brewer Bridge. KSC Police asked me to leave, and that’s exactly what I immediately did: I skedaddled.

7 PM EDT, Saturday: Fire Is Spreading

Photo: Charles Boyer / FMN

Note: This Story was originally written for TalkofTitusville.com by FMN’s Charles Boyer