What’s In Store for the First Launch of 2024? Only the most powerful GEO satellite ever…..

A Falcon 9 Launches from LC 40
A SpaceX Falcon9 rocket lifts off from pad LC40. Image by Richard P. Gallagher/FMN
Next Up: The Ovzon-3 mission is scheduled to launch on 1-3-2024 at 6:04pm from LC40  

The Ovzon-3 mission involves the launch of the first privately funded and developed Swedish geostationary satellite. As you can imagine, it’s quite a big deal for Sweden, as the country joins the international community of commercial spaceflight.

The Ovzon-3 satellite will be launched atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. This collaboration with SpaceX, a leader in commercial spaceflight, signifies the increasing involvement of private companies in space exploration and satellite deployment.  According to Ovzon’s website, ” It’s also the most powerful GEO (Geosynchronous Earth Orbit) satellite ever to be put into orbit covering 1/3 of the earth via its steerable spot beams. The satellite carries Ovzon’s patented solution with high power steerable beams and unique software defined capabilities.”

Initially, the launch was targeted for a slightly earlier date, but due to continuous unfavorable weather conditions, it was rescheduled for early January 2024. This decision reflects the challenges faced in space missions, where timing must align with both technical readiness, suitable environmental conditions and airspace competing traffic.  

Ovzon-3 is not just a satellite but a revolutionary geostationary communications satellite. It is designed to cover a significant portion of the Earth, approximately one-third, using its steerable spot beams. This capability suggests a substantial improvement in communication coverage and quality, particularly beneficial for areas that are currently under-served by traditional communication infrastructure. 

The satellite was developed by Ovzon AB, a broadband telecommunications company that specializes in offering mobile communication services via satellite. This launch represents a significant milestone for the company, expanding its reach and capabilities in the global telecommunications landscape. 

Credit: Ovzon

The Ovzon-3 mission is a landmark event, not only for the Swedish space sector but also for the broader field of satellite communications. It demonstrates the growing role of private enterprises in space technology and the continued innovation in satellite communications, offering enhanced coverage and capabilities. 


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