Sarasota County School Board Calls for Resignation of Bridget Ziegler Amid Husband’s Criminal Investigation

Bridgett Ziegler Image: Facebook

Members of the Sarasota County School Board voted on Tuesday night in favor of a resolution calling for the resignation of board member Bridget Ziegler. The vote comes in the wake of a criminal sexual assault investigation involving her husband, Christian Ziegler, the chairman of the state Republican Party.

The resolution, though non-binding, marks a stance by the board against Ms. Ziegler, who has been a prominent figure in local conservative politics and education advocacy. Ms. Ziegler is also the co-founder of the non-profit Moms For Liberty, a conservative values group focused on winning school board seats across the country.

Moms for Liberty has been a vocal advocate for conservative policies in schools, including the removal of books with LGBTQ and sexual identity themes from schools. Some feel the unfolding allegations and investigation have cast a shadow over her advocacy work and her role in the school board.

The board’s vote for the resolution, which passed by a 4-1 majority, underscores the escalating controversy surrounding the Ziegler couple, who are well-known for their conservative activism and emphasis on “family values.” The investigation delves into allegations of rape and sexual battery against Mr. Ziegler, stemming from an incident in early October. The allegation against Mr.Ziegler has brought to light the couple’s private sexual life, including an admitted multi-year thee way sexual relationship with another woman, which is central to the current investigation.

Sarasota School Board Resolution calling for removal of Bridgette Zeigler Photo: Sarasota School Board

School Board member Tim Enos expressed his vote was driven by a desire to refocus on the board’s primary responsibilities, emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being and education of children over political affiliations or distractions.

During the board meeting, Bridget Ziegler denounced the resolution as “toothless,” highlighting her disappointment and referencing her role on another public board, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District. Legal counsel Patrick Duggan clarified the ceremonial nature of the resolution, indicating that only Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has the authority to remove her from the board.

Watch the December 12 Sarasota School Board Meeting Youtube

The details of the investigation were partially revealed through an affidavit released earlier this month. It alleges that Mr. Ziegler sexually assaulted a woman with whom the couple had a previous sexual encounter. The police report indicates that the Zieglers have known the woman for years and that the alleged assault occurred during a meeting arranged without Ms. Ziegler’s presence.

The Florida Center for Government Accountability, an investigative journalism organization, was among the first to report on the story. The report reveals details of the alleged incident, including Mr. Ziegler’s forceful entry and sexual assault of the victim, and his subsequent claim that the encounter was consensual.

As one might expect, the issue has become one of partisan politics. The controversy has sparked widespread criticism and has been a focal point for discussions on hypocrisy in political rhetoric, especially concerning family values and conservative stances on social issues. State Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried has weighed in on the situation, highlighting the stark contrast between the Zieglers’ public advocacy and their private conduct.

As the situation unfolds, the Sarasota County School Board, the community, and political observers continue to grapple with the implications of these allegations and their impact on local education and politics.


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