House Votes to Censure Representative Rashida Tlaib in Heated Session

Rashida Tlaib speaks to a crowd of Palestinian supporters.

Rashida Talib speaks to supporters Photo: Screenshot, Michigan Radio

In a dramatic session that extended into late Tuesday, the US House of Representatives voted 234-188 to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for her remarks about the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The resolution marks a rare rebuke for Tlaib. Tlaib is the only Palestinian American in Congress, and underscores the current deep divisions over Middle East policy.

“From The River To The Sea”

The vote came after a Hamas attack on October 7th that left many Israelis dead, which initially did not draw immediate condemnation from Tlaib, causing consternation among her peers. Although Democrats initially stood by her, defeating a censure resolution last week, the use of the contentious slogan “from the river to the sea” by Tlaib in her rhetoric caused a shift among some Democratic members, including those who are Jewish, leading to a reconsideration of their stance.

A Fierce Debate

The debate was charged with emotion and intensity, as Republican Representative Rich McCormick of Georgia advanced the censure motion, which is considered one step short of expulsion. The motion accuses Tlaib of antisemitic rhetoric. “She has levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7,” McCormick stated, stirring a contentious atmosphere on the House floor.

“If this is not worthy of censure, what is? When you can call for the annihilation of a country and its people, if that’s not worthy of a censure, what is?” McCormick said on the House floor Tuesday. 

In the text of his resolution, the Georgia Republican accused Tlaib of “promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.”

The House voted to advance McCormick’s resolution earlier on Tuesday, when a vote to kill the measure was defeated 208 to 213, with one lawmaker voting “present.” The only Democrat to vote with Republicans to advance the censure resolution, Representative Brad Schneider of Illinois, expressed his concerns about the slogan, stating, “It is nothing else but the call for the destruction of Israel and murder of Jews.” Yet, he also affirmed Tlaib’s right to free speech amidst the strong reactions to her comments.

The only Democrat to vote with Republicans to advance the initial censure resolution, Representative Brad Schneider of Illinois, expressed his concerns about the slogan, stating, “It is nothing else but the call for the destruction of Israel and murder of Jews.” Yet, he also affirmed Tlaib’s right to free speech amidst the strong reactions to her comments.

Tlaib Responds

Representative Tlaib defended her stance passionately, making clear her refusal to be silenced or misrepresented. “I will not be silenced and I will not let you distort my words,” Tlaib proclaimed, emphasizing that her critique was directed at the Israeli government and its policies, particularly under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and not against the Israeli people or Judaism. “The idea that criticizing the government of Israel is antisemitic sets a very dangerous precedent. And it’s been used to silence diverse voices speaking up for human rights across our nation,” she added.

An emotional Tlaib countered during the debate, “I can’t believe I have to say this, but Palestinian people are not disposable.” She underscored her point by stating her history of condemning the Hamas attacks and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.


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