2023 Florida Freedom Summit Concludes in Kissimmee

Florida Freedom Summit

The 2023 Florida Freedom Summit, hosted by the Republican Party of Florida, was a high energy showcase of the GOP presidential candidates and their visions for the future of the country. The event, held at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Kissimmee, Florida, on November 4th, attracted more than 3,000 attendees who cheered and booed the speakers throughout the day.

The summit was held in partnership with Rumble, a video platform that has been popular among conservatives who feel censored by other social media platforms. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski spoke at the summit and announced that Rumble would be the official video platform for the Florida GOP and its candidates. He said that Rumble would provide a “free speech alternative” to YouTube and other platforms that have been accused of suppressing conservative voices.

This year’s summit featured a wide range of speeches by the GOP presidential candidates. Attendees heard from former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, author Vivek Ramaswamy, and several other prominent conservative leaders and lawmakers.

The speakers addressed a range of topics, including the economy, immigration, education, foreign policy, election integrity, and the failures of the Biden administration. They also criticized the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the radical left for censoring conservative voices and undermining American values.

Trump Delivers Fiery Speech
Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump’s speech lasted over an hour, in which he touted his achievements as president, slammed his political opponents, and hinted at a possible 2024 run. He praised DeSantis as a “great governor” and a “wounded falling bird from the sky”, but did not endorse him or any other candidate. He also announced a partnership with Rumble, a video-sharing platform that supports free speech, to broadcast his rallies and events. His speech received a standing ovation from most of the crowd, who chanted “We love Trump” and “Four more years”. However, some attendees expressed dissatisfaction with his refusal to acknowledge his defeat in 2020 and his continued attacks on fellow Republicans.

Governor Ron DeSantis
Ran DeSantis

DeSantis gave a more detailed speech than he had originally planned, as he wanted to showcase his achievements in Florida and contrast them with the failures of the Biden administration. He said that Florida was leading the nation in economic recovery, job creation, education reform, environmental protection, and public safety. DeSantis also said that Florida was defending its sovereignty and freedom from the federal government’s overreach and tyranny.

During his speech, Desantis cited examples of how he had resisted the vaccine mandates, mask mandates, lockdowns, school closures, and border crisis imposed by Washington. He also said that he had banned critical race theory in schools, protected the rights of parents and workers, cracked down on illegal immigration and crime, supported law enforcement and veterans, and promoted election integrity. He said that he was proud to be a Floridian and an American, and that he would never apologize for his values or his actions.

DeSantis, who is widely seen as Trump’s heir apparent and a frontrunner for the nomination, praised Trump for his leadership and thanked him for his support. He said that Florida was “the freest state in America” and that he would continue to fight for freedom.

He received a thunderous applause from the audience, who chanted “Run Ron Run” and “DeSantis 2024”.

Haley A No-Show, Sends Video Message

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley canceled her appearance at the last minute due to a family emergency. She was expected to be one of the main challengers to Trump in the 2024 race.

Haley sent a video message in which she expressed her admiration for Trump and his policies. She said that Trump had made America stronger and safer, and that she had worked with him as his ambassador to the United Nations. She also criticized Biden and his foreign policy, saying that he had weakened America’s position in the world and emboldened its enemies.

Christie Was Not Well Received
Chris Chrisyie

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie faced a hostile reception from the audience, who booed and heckled him when he criticized Trump’s role in the January 6th Capitol riot and urged the party to move on from the past. He accused the crowd of fearing the truth and being petty. He also defended his record as governor and his stance on issues such as abortion, gun rights, and taxes. Christie, who was one of the most vocal critics of Trump at the summit, faced boos and jeers from the crowd as he challenged Trump’s claims of election fraud and his influence on the party. He said that the party needed to focus on the problems facing the country and not on “pettiness” and “anger”.

Christie said that he respected Trump but disagreed with him on some issues, and that he was not afraid to speak the truth. He also presented himself as a leader who could work across party lines and solve problems. His speech was met with silence and indifference by most of the attendees, some of whom dismissed him as a “traitor and a loser”.

Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchison
Asa Hutchison

Hutchinson also received boos when he defended his decision to veto a bill that would have banned transgender minors from receiving hormone therapy or surgery. He argued that he was following conservative principles of limited government and individual freedom. He also spoke about his efforts to combat COVID-19, improve infrastructure, and reform criminal justice in Arkansas. His speech was largely ignored by the audience, who showed little interest in his moderate views and his record as governor.

Florida Senator Rick Scott
Rick Scott

Scott delivered an optimistic message that focused on his personal story of rising from poverty to become a successful businessman and senator. He emphasized the importance of opportunity, education, and faith in achieving the American dream. He also denounced socialism and racism as threats to freedom and equality.

Scott, who is also the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, spoke about his efforts to help Republicans win back the Senate in 2022. Scott said that he was working to recruit strong candidates who could defeat Democrats in key states. He also praised Trump for his economic policies and his support for law enforcement and veterans. He said that Republicans had a clear agenda to restore prosperity, security, and freedom in America.

His speech was well received by the audience, who appreciated his positive tone and his inspiring story. He also got some laughs when he joked about his resemblance to actor Denzel Washington.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgham
Doug Burgham

Burgum spoke about his vision of transforming government through innovation and technology. He cited examples of how he improved efficiency, transparency, and customer service in North Dakota. He also stressed the need for bipartisanship and cooperation among states to solve common problems. His speech was politely listened to by the audience, who acknowledged his achievements but did not seem very enthusiastic about his ideas or his candidacy.

Entrepeneur Vivek Ramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy

Ramaswamy, the only outsider among the GOP presidential candidates challenged the audience to stand up against woke capitalism and cultural Marxism. He argued that corporations and elites are using social justice as a cover to exploit workers and consumers. He also shared his experience of being an immigrant from India who embraced American values and entrepreneurship. His speech was enthusiastically applauded by the audience, who agreed with his analysis and admired his courage. He also got some cheers when he announced that he would donate $1 million to support conservative causes in Florida.

The Florida Freedom Summit was widely covered, and is seen nationally as a critical benchmark in the GOP presidential candidates race for President. The event is considered a test of the popularity and viability of the potential candidates in one of the most important swing states in the nation.


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