NASA X-ray Telescopes Reveal the “Bones” of a Ghostly Cosmic Hand

Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Stanford Univ./R. Romani et al. (Chandra); NASA/MSFC (IXPE); Infared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/DECaPS; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Schmidt)

Just in time for Halloween, NASA released a ghostly photo taken by it’s newest X-Ray telescope, the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer. The telescope has been observing the wind nebula MSH 15-52 for the last 17 days, and captured a image that looks like a “ghostly hand”. The Nebula is about 16,000 light years from earth.

“The IXPE data gives us the first map of the magnetic field in the ‘hand’,” said Roger Romani of Stanford University in California, who led the study. “The charged particles producing the X-rays travel along the magnetic field, determining the basic shape of the nebula, like the bones do in a person’s hand.”


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